Monday, April 28, 2014

Teddy Bear Toast

I saw a picture of this on Facebook and decided to make another cute breakfast this past weekend. (In case you missed it, I had made Easter bunny pancakes the previous weekend, so I may have started something...) Anyway, this cute toast was quick and simple to make, and it made Mia really happy!

  • 1 piece of toast
  • peanut butter (or nut-free spread or butter, if you live in a nut-free house)
  • 3 slices of banana
  • 3 raisins
{Does your breakfast make you smile?}


  1. Spread peanut butter (or nut-free alternative) on a piece of toast.
  2. Place three banana slices on top -- two at the top corners for ears, and one near the center (ours was slightly lower) for the muzzle.
  3. Add three raisins -- two for eyes and one placed sideways on top of the banana slice for a nose. (You can "glue" it in place with a dab of peanut butter, if you wish.)
  4. Enjoy some tasty and adorable teddy bear toast!

P.S. Don't forget that today is the last day to enter my giveaway. You don't want to miss out on winning a free recipe book or other blank book of you choice -- from Path Publishing!

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